nested properties

I'm querying the search API through Postman with the includefields parameter and have a question that I could not find docs for: 

How do I target nested properties? I'd like to return the author displayname from content > createdbyuser > displayname. The following query does not seem to be correct: 


"PageSize": 1, 
"PageIndex": 0, 
"TotalCount": 75, 
"SearchResults": [ 

"Url": "https://mysite/group/b/blog/posts/post", 
"Content": { 
"Url": "https://mysite/group/b/blog/posts/post

"FieldFacets": [], 
"DateRangeFacets": [], 
"Info": [], 
"Warnings": [], 
"Errors": [] 

  • Unfortunately, this appears to be a bug, and I've logged it for review. Include/ExcludeFields becomes unreliable for deeply nested objects.

    So while you can specify:


    You can't currently specify:


    TE-8182: Review and resolve issues with IncludeFields functionality of rest endpoints

    Declined as "Won't Do":

    This issue has been closed (Reason: Age). If you have questions about this issue, please contact support.

    I apologize for the inconvenience.