For an Explicit Panel that uses a widget, is there a reason the Widget API can't be used to complete an ajax POST?

I am implementing an Explicit Panel, and I was having trouble with using a velocity file as a json url POST endpoint which typically works fine on other pages and provides results from the widget api. When posting from Panels, is it required to use the REST Api when using Panels? if so, why?

Velocity code that is not working as expected in "CoriaMapManPanel.vm":

#if ($core_v2_page.IsPost)
#set($options = "%{}")               
#set ($id = $core_v2_utility.ParseInt($core_v2_page.GetFormValue('id')))
#set ($name = $core_v2_page.GetFormValue('name'))
#set ($description = $core_v2_page.GetFormValue('description'))
#set ($urlSafeName = $core_v2_page.GetFormValue('urlSafeName'))
#set ($thumbnailUrl = $core_v2_page.GetFormValue('thumbnailUrl'))
#set ($isIndexed = $core_v2_utility.ParseBool($core_v2_page.GetFormValue('isIndexed')))
#set ($group = $core_v2_utility.ParseInt($core_v2_page.GetFormValue('groupId')))
#set ($mapOptions = $core_v2_page.GetFormValue('mapOptions'))
#set ($mapTypeId = $core_v2_utility.ParseGuid($core_v2_page.GetFormValue('mapTypeId')))
#set ($mapGuid = $core_v2_utility.ParseGuid($core_v2_page.GetFormValue('mapGuid')))
#set ($createdByUser = $core_v2_page.GetFormValue('createdByUser'))
#set ($modifiedByUser = $core_v2_page.GetFormValue('modifiedByUser'))
#set ($createdUtcDate = $core_v2_utility.ParseDate($core_v2_page.GetFormValue('createdUtcDate')))
#set ($modifiedUtcDate = $core_v2_utility.ParseDate($core_v2_page.GetFormValue('modifiedUtcDate')))

$options.Add('Name', $name)
$options.Add('Description', $description)
$options.Add('isIndexed', $isIndexed)
$options.Add('group', $group)
$options.Add('modifiedUtcDate', $modifiedUtcDate)

#set($response = $context.Update($options))

#set ($map = $coria_v1_map.Get("%{Id = $id}"))

{"success":true, "redirectUrl":"$map.Url"}

Here is the ajax post that uses it, which has an empty string for the "updateUrl" variable:

/**update is error out because the "context.updateUrl" is "" */
update: function (context, options) {
            return ${
                url: context.updateUrl,
                dataType: 'json',
                data: options,
                async: true

UpdateUrl is defined as below:

updateUrl : '$core_v2_encoding.JavascriptEncode($core_v2_widget.ExecuteFile('CoriaMapManPanel.vm'))'

so this snippet is called when the panel is loaded, and here is the javascript that the above is embedded in:

<script type="text/javascript">
            saveTemplateId : "saveTemplateId",
            fieldItemTemplateId: "fieldItemTemplateId",
            fieldInputListId: '#$core_v2_encoding.JavascriptEncode($fieldInputListId)',
            /**here is the updateUrl that is returned**/
            updateUrl      : '$core_v2_encoding.JavascriptEncode($core_v2_widget.ExecuteFile('CoriaMapManPanel.vm'))',
            redirect       : #if ($redirect) true #else false #end,
            groupRedirect  : '$core_v2_encoding.JavaScriptEncode($core_v2_page.AbsoluteUrl($core_v2_groupUrls.Group($context.MapBook.Group.Id)))',
		        groupId        : '$mapbook.Group.Id',
		        mapbookId      : '$mapbook.ObjectId',
		        applicationKey : '$mapbook.SafeName',
		        groupName      : '$mapbook.Group.Name',
                mapObjectId    : '$map.MapId',

This "$core_v2_page.IsPost" is false. so, maybe I am using this incorrectly...


Parents Reply Children
  • maybe I spoke too soon.. so, the custom ajax rest endpoint works, and I get back a successful post. However, I lost my WidgetAPI and the PrivateAPI and the $context

    This was working, but broke it somewhere.. 

    I was able to reference the "private api" and set the $context.. so that is good... not able to debug.. working on it.

    Still suspect I broke something, as my PublicAPI is not available within the explicit Panel, after the post... 

  • If the "private" $context api is available in the host widget (and it seems to be), then $context should also be available from within CoriaMapManPanel.vm as well. Possible to share more of the widget?

  • oh.. I got it working. I had changed the object type of an IDictionary object into a NameValueCollection which will cause the issue, below code is in the WidgetAPI that caused the problem... corrected it. but thanks...

       [Documentation("Update an existing map.")]
            public PublicApi.Map Update(
                [Documentation("The identifier of the map to update.")]
                Guid Id,
                    Documentation(Name="Description", Type=typeof(string), Description="The description of the map."),
                    Documentation(Name = "Name", Type = typeof(string), Description = "The name of the map.")]
                IDictionary options)
                return PublicApi.Maps.Update(Id, options);