using JetBrains Rider for plugin/extension compiles

The "Setting Up Your Development Environment" article covers VS2013+. My "daily driver" is a Mac, and I'm very familiar with the JetBrains toolchain, so using Rider/ReSharper is a possibility for me. Has anyone tried that as a compile platform?

  • The IDE/platform you use is not really a Telligent community concern and more of a .NET concern.  If its a compiler that can compile code compatible with the version of .Net the platform uses, it really doesn't matter.

    That being said, you will not be able t obtain any support for the products via our support, though realistically we don't offer Visual Studio support either, those would be through their respective vendors.

    From a Telligent perspective, even mac users all use Visual Studio for what its worth.

  • The IDE/platform you use is not really a Telligent community concern and more of a .NET concern.  If its a compiler that can compile code compatible with the version of .Net the platform uses, it really doesn't matter.

    That being said, you will not be able t obtain any support for the products via our support, though realistically we don't offer Visual Studio support either, those would be through their respective vendors.

    From a Telligent perspective, even mac users all use Visual Studio for what its worth.

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